It’s Official: Men With Beards Are More Attractive

Men with beards are more attractive – officially

Yes, it’s time to stop mocking the hipsters populating East London – men with beards are more attractive than those without.

That’s according to a study which asked 8,500 women to rate men with and without beards for their boyfriend potential.

The men were photographed clean-shaven, 5 days after shaving, 10 days after shaving, and then 4 weeks after shaving.

The results were astonishing: every single woman preferred their men with facial hair.

Heavy stubble received the highest ratings for general attractiveness, followed by full beards and light stubble.

The researchers discovered that typically male characteristics, such as a strong jawline and high testosterone levels, may not be what women are looking for in a long-term partner.

Apparently, we associate beards with a man’s age and masculine social dominance. The theory states that beards may be more attractive to women when considering long-term as opposed to short-term relationships.

Bin your razors, boys.

I love a bit of hot fuzz.