… a word from the Editor

Welcome to Winter 2019 everyone.

It’s freezing in London, and following a blissful Balearic weekend, I realise I’m in the wrong place.

In this instalment, as well as some gossip from the National Television Awards Red Carpet, I explore the warm side of fashion as (according to the Met Office) the UK prepares itself for The Beat from The East part deux.

Watching the first snow flurry of the new year, the mind wanders to my faux fur coats upstairs, which need dry cleaning. And on the subject of fur, this week there has been some bad news to come out of one of the most popular online shopping emporiums.

Boohoo has been crit­i­cized by UK watch­dog, the Ad­ver­tis­ing Stan­dards Au­thor­ity, for flout­ing some reg­u­la­tions, upsetting many in the process. The ASA in­dicted the on­line re­tailer for mar­ket­ing a pom­pom jumper as ‘faux’ when it was, in fact, real – most likely rab­bit – fur. That’s not just mis­lead­ing, it’s also deeply up­set­ting.

An­i­mal wel­fare char­ity, Hu­man So­ci­ety In­ter­na­tional, pur­chased the prod­uct and sent sam­ples to an in­de­pen­dent lab­o­ra­tory for test­ing and the HSI con­firmed the Boohoo jumper con­tained an­i­mal hair.

In re­sponse, Boohoo said, ‘We have a strong com­mit­ment against the sale of real fur in any of our prod­ucts. We have ro­bust poli­cies and pro­ce­dures in place to en­sure that we are able to ad­here to this. Fol­low­ing the in­quiry by HSI the item has been re­moved from sale. We con­tinue to in­ves­ti­gate the mat­ter in­ter­nally and with the sup­plier in ques­tion, as a mat­ter of pri­or­ity.’

Last year, the HIS in­ves­ti­gated a high street wide prob­lem of cus­tomers un­wit­tingly be­ing sold an­i­mal fur de­spite the prod­ucts be­ing ad­ver­tised as syn­thetic. Ama­zon, Groupon and TK Maxx were all caught sell­ing real fur, plus House of Fraser and Miss­guided were also guilty of the same mistake.

So, however bloody freezing it might be, please check (and use your common sense) before you purchase anything fur related.