Yoni Eggs

We’ve all heard of ‘Love Eggs’, but I have it on reliable authority that they’re not simply for self-pleasure. With the crystal healing assistance of certain stones, they can also bring health benefits to the female pelvic region, kidney and liver, plus reduce anxiety levels.

Introducing you to the yoni egg. My friend, sex therapist Myra S Forrester, is the expert on the subject.


“Firstly, let me explain what a Yoni is. Yoni, in the Indian Sanskrit language, means ‘Sacred Temple’ and refers to a woman’s vagina. Don’t you think this is a far more beautiful word to use compared to vagina, which literally means ‘sheath for a man’s sword’?”

“A yoni egg is an egg-shaped stone or crystal used to insert inside the yoni (vagina) to strengthen and tone the entire pelvic region – the pelvic floor muscles, the lower abdomen, the urogenital diaphragms and even the lower back.”

“Let’s talk about how we can physically benefit from using the yoni egg. A weak pelvic floor can cause all types of health issues like prolapse, urinary problems or a feeling of nothingness during sex. But when it’s strong and healthy you can experience…more intense orgasms and not just clitoral!

Here some further benefits to using the eggs on a regular basis:

  • Improves overall life-force energy or “chi” in the body
  • Boosts sexual energy levels and awakens the libido.
  • Helps to prevent prolapse
  • Relieves incontinence (weak bladder)
  • Balances hormones by increasing blood flow to the area, which contributes to youthfulness


Yoni Egg Crystals Available:

Amethyst: Third Eye Chakra. Meditation and higher consciousness stone. Supports sobriety and helps heal addictions. Better sleep. Calms mind. Emotional centering. Cleanses aura. £poa

Black Obsidian: Grounding. Protection stone. Clearing and shields negative energy. Activates and stimulates Base Chakra. Animal energy. Heals sexual trauma. £20-£90. Set of 3. £75 , set of three with wand £90

If you’re beginning the Yoni Egg Practice, I suggest you start with a drilled egg.

A drilled egg has an intentionally made small hole running through the smaller end of the stone, which you can then tie a 30cm piece of hemp string (or unwaxed dental floss) through, making it easier for removal. With a string tied through the drilled hole, you can remove the egg as if you would a tampon or eve cup. These eggs do not harbour bacteria once correctly cleaned and stored away correctly. They are cleaner than most partner’s hands and nails!

For more info:

Myra S Forrester

Wild Women

Massage Therapist & Intimacy Coach

+44(0)7905 597963


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