The New Engagement Jewellery

Finger piercing: the engagement ring trend, which makes my stomach turn.

We all wish somebody loved us enough to present a huge diamond, but know we’ll either lose it or leave it somewhere by accident?

Now there’s a new trend that seems to be gaining popularity with Generation Z in recent months, and this diamond would be pretty hard to misplace.

Instead of diamond engagement rings that can be taken on and off, some are choosing to pierce the ring finger instead, making a more permanent mark. Ouch.

These finger piercings are like tattoo engagement rings in the way that they last forever, only with the diamond.

And yes, it looks incredibly painful.

You can either have a single diamond in the middle of your ring finger, or something more elaborate inserted in and out of your skin. That’s the painful one.

Either way, you’ll be left with a little scar if you decide to remove the piercing, so it really is a permanent mark of your commitment to someone. And lets face it, which genuinely stays together these days? So think first.