
BLOKES are forking out £550 for Botox injections on their balls. The procedure is said to help smooth the testicles and iron out unsightly wrinkles.

Image-conscious men are going to new lengths to make their intimate areas look great.  If penis enlargement surgery and pearling wasn’t dedication enough, chaps are now getting their balls Botoxed. And I thought we women were vain.

The ‘Scrotox’ procedure costs £550 and is said to be highly painful. A medical director at Australia’s CALIBRE Clinic, says there’s been a surge SCROTOX procedures. Next stop? Bossa Beach? Santa Ponsa Beach? Brighton Beach?

While some opt for the treatment for medical reasons, others do it to make their testicles look more appealing to their partners. The most common medical reason is because their scrotum is tightly contracted, squeezing up on their testicles, with painful results. The relaxation of the scrotum helps the testes to hang a bit lower and offers some relief.  

Patients claim the op makes their balls look smoother and less wrinkly. Some also say it can reduce redness and sagging.

As with any surgery, Scrotox does have its risks. To carry out the procedure, surgeons inject muscle-relaxing Botox into the testicles. The scrotum is a very vascular organ, and there is a potential risk for the Botox to travel throughout the body if injected incorrectly.

If you are self-conscious about your intimate areas, suffice to say it’s advisable to seek the advice of your GP.