Return Of The Ugg

Last weekend was spent in the Balearics, where the temperature was a moderate 14 degrees, some 10 degrees warmer than the UK.  I could shed a few layers and stick with a more “autumnal” incarnation of the Mediterranean ‘boho’ look. Back in London, I am sat in my office wearing a Toppers tracksuit, a parker, a cashmere scarf and a knee length pair off chocolate brown Uggs. Mmmmm…. not quite ON trend, you may proclaim.

But Uggs are officially back. Plus, Mossy and Ri­hanna have given their seal of ap­proval to the cosiest (and occasionally costliest) of footwear.

Rhianna ar­rived at JFK air­port in New York this week wear­ing a pair of  “original” classic camel-coloured Uggs – which I have always loved.There is no deny­ing that this sheep­skin bootie is ready to take on the most frigid of 2019 winter en­vi­ron­ments.

First, it was Birken­stocks, then it was a Dior sad­dle bag and now it’s a pair of tan Uggs to make a return to high fashion.

Though aes­thet­i­cally po­lar­iz­ing, no one can deny that the Ugg fits neatly in with the trend of resur­fac­ing fash­ion from the early 2000s.

Uggs are the quin­tes­sen­tial vic­tim of their own suc­cess. First time around, they were so pop­u­lar that they be­came ubiq­ui­tous, worn by every­one from mums on the school run to style icons. It was death by over­ex­po­sure. But fash­ion de­lights in sub­ver­sion, in cham­pi­oning the least trendy thing it can grab hold of, and with mass ‘ca­su­al­i­sa­tion’ sweep­ing through the in­dus­try (how else do you ex­plain the rise of ath­leisure and the demise of ties and of­fice dress codes?) this Australian shoe style has never felt more ap­pro­pri­ate. Es­pe­cially bru­tal weather fronts are threat­en­ing.

Yes, they’re unflattering but if you style them up with skinny jeans, blazer and skinny scarf, you’re not only on trend, but cosy and comfy too.